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The nutritional software
over 25 years of history

1996The EasyDiet project was born in 1996 an idea of Dr. Fulvio Muzio, who created diets for his patients using an electronic spreadsheet. Starting from this scheme, MicroRing and Dr. Muzio developed software capable of offering patients comprehensive nutritional advice.
1997In 1997, the pharmaceutical company "Laboratori Guidotti" acquired the right to distribute 3,000 licenses of the product EasyDiet" version 1.0). The floppy disks with the program reached clinics, hospitals, general practitioners, dieticians and nutritionists through Guidotti's network of medical informants.
2005In 2005, Roche Italy asked MicroRing to create a dedicated version of EasyDiet. This led to the creation of RDiet, which was distributed by Roche Italy to 3,000 users. Among other things, RDiet also includes an algorithm for evaluating metabolic syndrome.
2007In 2007, MicroRing decided to start direct marketing of the product and also provided technical assistance to users. EasyDiet was updated (version 2.1) and, thanks to feedback from nutrition professionals who use it, continued its path of evolution by adding new features.
2010In 2010, version 3.0 was released in which, for ease of management (backup, etc.), patient/diet/food records are stored in a single database. Version 3 also introduces significant changes in the management of medical records, diseases, allergies and food intolerances.
2012In the summer of 2012, the online version of EasyDiet called EasyDietWeb was launched on the web. Although it was not functionally identical to the offline version, it was the first network-enabled program in its field. Meanwhile, the offline version reached release 3.1.
2014In 2014, the website was renovated and in October, the new version 2.0 of EasyDietWeb was launched online.
2015In 2015, the version 3.0 of EasyDietWeb was released.
2016In 2016, patient management and related medical records were implemented in EasyDietWeb.
2017In 2017, the daily diet with the possibility of indicating alternative foods (daily diet with substitutions) was introduced in EasyDietWeb.
2018In 2018, the community reached 10,000 members with an average of 200 daily logins in EasyDietWeb.
2019In 2019, EasyDietWeb underwent a transformation with a graphic restyling, compatibility with tablets, and a completely renewed medical records system.
2021In 2021, EasyDietWeb introduced Livi Connect telemedicine services.
2022Nel 2022 la community raggiunge 20.000 iscritti con una media di 300 accessi giornalieri.
2023Nel 2023 EasyDietWeb inserisce le nuove funzionalità piatti/ricette

Authors and collaborators

To create a professional product, we turned to industry professionals.

Everyone knows that an essential condition for achieving successful software is to best meet the needs or desires of the user.

Our software doesn't make a difference.
Only through a close collaboration between those who implement it and those who use it can a product emerge that can stand out in the market.
The first version of EasyDiet was born from the experience of Dr. Fulvio Muzio, and with him, we arrived at version 2.

Thanks to the collaboration of many other dietitians and nutritionists, and especially thanks to the efforts of Dr. Giuseppe Acciaro, today we have arrived at version 3 of the offline product (EasyDiet) and version 3 of the online product (EasyDietWeb).

The author of versions 1 and 2

Dott. Fulvio Muzio

Director of the Clinical Dietetics and Nutrition Unit at Sacco Hospital in Milan.

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The author of version 3
and the online version EasyDietWeb

Dott. Giuseppe Acciaro

Biologist Nutritionist
at the Human Nutrition Study in Portocannone (CB).

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Our collaborators

dott. Enrico Di Cino

dott.ssa Carmen Madio

dott.ssa Martina Senatore